References quoted in the ENSDF dataset: 249CF 249CF(208PB,208PB'G)

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Phys.Rev. C 82, 041301 (2010)

S.K.Tandel, P.Chowdhury, S.Lakshmi, U.S.Tandel, I.Ahmad, M.P.Carpenter, S.Gros, R.V.F.Janssens, T.L.Khoo, F.G.Kondev, J.P.Greene, D.J.Hartley, T.Lauritsen, C.J.Lister, D.Peterson, A.Robinson, D.Seweryniak, S.Zhu

Rotational bands in odd-A Cm and Cf isotopes: Exploring the highest neutron orbitals

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 248Cm(209Bi, 210Bi)247Cm, E=1450 MeV; 250Cm(209Bi, 208Bi)249Cm, E=1450 MeV; 249Cf(207Pb, 207Pb'), E=1430 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ-coin using Gammasphere array. 247,249Cm, 249Cf; deduced levels, J, π, (gK-gR)/Q0, alignments, Nilsson configurations, and rotational bands. 197Au, 207Pb, 208Bi, 210Bi; measured Eγ. Systematics of alignments for 244Pu, 246Cm, 248Cf, 250Fm and 252No, Comparison with Woods-Saxon cranking calculations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.82.041301


Phys.Lett. B 739, 13 (2014)

S.S.Hota, P.Chowdhury, T.L.Khoo, M.P.Carpenter, R.V.F.Janssens, Y.Qiu, I.Ahmad, J.P.Greene, S.K.Tandel, D.Seweryniak, S.Zhu, P.F.Bertone, C.J.Chiara, A.Y.Deo, N.D'Olympia, S.Gros, C.J.Guess, T.Harrington, D.J.Hartley, G.Henning, C.R.Hoffman, E.G.Jacksona, F.G.Kondev, S.Lakshmi, T.Lauritsen, C.J.Lister, E.A.McCutchan, K.Moran, C.Nair, D.Peterson, U.Shirwadkar, I.Stefanescu

N=151 Pu, Cm and Cf nuclei under rotational stress: Role of higher-order deformations

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 244Pu, 249Cf(208Pb, X)242Pu/243Pu/244Pu/245Pu/246Pu/248Cf/249Cf/250Cf, 248Cm(209Bi, X)246Cm/247Cm/248Cm/249Cm/250Cm, E not given; measured reaction products, Eγ, Iγ. 245Pu, 247Cm, 249Cf; deduced energy levels, J, π, rotational bands, high-spins, deformations. Comparison with available data, Cranked WS model.

doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.10.021